

Page history last edited by Jennifer McDaniel 15 years, 9 months ago

This page is a place to share and comment on interesting technology (instructional or otherwise) articles that might be of interest to everyone. Please feel free to add your own link to an article. Make sure and include a brief description of the article!


New Photo Archives Brings History to Your Classroom   (4.2.09)

By Grace Rubenstein

Edutopia April 1, 2009

Seven million free images are available to teachers and schools.


Interviews Over Skype

Blog posting by Wesley Fryer on the ISTE NECC 2009 Blog

Information about different ways that SKYPE is being used. The most interesting is colleges using it for interviews with prospective students.


Your Space, My Space--Social Networking Legal Update

By Dr. Carol Simpson - Schwartz & Eichelbaum, Wardell, Mehl and Hansen Jan 8, 2009

An overview of recent caselaw concerning staff and student use of social networking sites and involving schools.


Shift Happens--Now What?

by Stephanie Sandifer

Change Agency 4.22.2008

You’ve just watched “Did You Know” or a keynote by David Warlick for the very first time. You feel your heart begin to race as panic sets in… you think: “My school is in no way prepared to help our students learn what they need for work and life in the this very different and constantly changing world… What should I do?!”


Blogging in Place: Writing That Explores New Neighborhoods

By Momo Chang

Edutopia 1.7.2009

Multimedia projects links students near and far.


Stumbling Blocks: Playing It Too Safe Will Make You Sorry

By Suzie Boss

Edutopia 11/5/2008

How teachers are working around overprotective content filters to use Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.


No More Pencils, No More Books: A School of the Future Readies for Launch 

written by Sara Bernard, Staff Writer and Media Producer

June 2008 Edutopia Magazine

A new high school in Chicago explores the possibilities of tech-centered learning.

This is the first portion of a multipart story following the inaugural year of a new and innovative tech-centric high school in Chicago. We will file online reports throughout the 2008–09 academic year that describe the highs and lows of the VOISE Academy launch.


Programming: The New Literacy 

written by Marc Prensky, Founder and CEO of Games2Train

February 2008 Edutopia Magazine

Power will soon belong to those who can master a variey of human-machine interactions. This is a very interesting article about the need for digital literacy and the author's take on programming.


iLearning with Apple iPods 

A great article about how one district is equipping their entire student body with an iPod and how they plan to use them to aid in learning.


PreK-12 Leads Electronic Learning Growth

written by Dave Nagel

Report findings for the annual growth rate for the top four markets for electronic learning technologies for 2007-2012.


Bringing School to the Information Age

written by James Daly, Editor-in-Chief of Edutopia

July/August 2007  Edutopia Magazine Article

An excellent article on the importance of bringing education and classrooms into the 21st century. 

"The new reality is that the public-education system is no longer the only, or the paramount, place we go to learn."


Sage Advice: Relating to High Tech

July/August 2007  Edutopia Magazine Article

"Your students are growing up in a world immersed in high tech. You (most likely) didn't. How do you relate?"

Read several teachers response to the question. Maybe one of their ideas will spur an idea of your own!


The Sky's The Limit: Kids' Top Tools for the Classroom

July/August 2007  Edutopia Magazine Article

"We asked students, 'What tech do you want to see in class?' Here's what the students came up with."

The kids are asking. Teachers need to listen! Do things like this scare you? Have no fear - there is help out there, and lots of it! Don't be afraid to ask. :)


Page updated by JMcDaniel on 4.2.09

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