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Instructional Strategies

Page history last edited by Jennifer McDaniel 15 years, 10 months ago

Instructional Strategy is the teaching/learning activities that are used to assist students in objective mastery.


***Please feel free to use these resources or find your own! For media resources, please click on the Instructional Technology Resources in the sidebar.


Delivery Systems


***I did not include information about traditional classroom settings because those are more common. I included links to videoconferencing and online learning because those are least familiar to most people.


K-12 Videoconferencing Instructional Delivery

Provided by Digital Bridges

A website discussing the use of videoconference as an instructional delivery method including information about the different roles involved with this method.


K-12 Online Instructional Delivery

Provided by Digital Bridges

A website discussing the use of online tools as an instructional delivery method including informationa bout the different roles involved with this method.


Instructional Strategy Resources

Glossary of Instructional Strategies

Provided byPlasmaLink Web Services

A website containing a list of many different instructional strategies for use by educators.


Instructional Strategies Online

Provided by Saskatoon Public Schools, Inc.

"Instructional strategies determine the approach a teacher may take to achieve learning objectives. Five categories of instructional strategies and explanation of these five categories can be found within this site."


Instructional Strategies

Provided by Leslie Fisher

While this site has not been updated since 2005 (and that's a lifetime in technology years), there are still valuable resources on this page. Many different groups of instructional strategies and the research behind them.


Effective Instructional Strategies

Provided by State of Florida, Department of Education

"The term "effective" means that student performance improves when the instructional strategies are used. The strategies were identified in studies conducted using research procedures and guidelines that ensure confidence about the results. In addition, several studies exist for each strategy with an adequate sample size and the use of treatment and control groups to generalize to the target population. This allows teachers to be confident about how to apply the strategies in their classrooms."


Learning Strategies

Provided by Big Dog

Includes an Instructional Strategy Chart to use as a general guideline for selecting instructional strategies.

Clark, D. R. (2004), Instructional System Design Concept Map. Retrieved September 30, 2007 from http://nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/ahold/isd.html


Instructional Strategy Articles

Explore Research to identify best instructional strategies

by: Joellen Killion of the National Staff Development Council

Results, March 2000

NSDC Standard: Effective staff development prepares teachers to use research-based teaching strategies appropriate to their instructional objectives and their students.


Page created by JMcDaniel on 11.24.08

Page edited by JMcDaniel on 11.26.08

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