
November Internet Sites of the Month

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

November Internet Sites of the Month


Here are a few of the websites highlighted at the November 4, 2007 training. 

Please feel free to add your own, add a "review" of the site, or just post some information about November!





Persuasive Writing Using Thanksgiving

Written by Paulette Romano; Middle School

A middle school teacher unites persuasive writing with the Thanksgiving holiday. Students work in groups to create restaurants, menus, and advertisements to attract Thanksgiving Day customers.


National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

Utah State University; K-12

A collection of virtual manipulatives


Fall Lesson on Photosynthesis

Written by Gary Hopkins, Editor-in-Chief of EducationWorld; K-12

Autumn is here! Fall's colors provide the perfect motivation for teaching about photosynthesis across the grades.


Colonial Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg Official Site Where History Lives

This site contacts an on-line museum as well as a separate kids section with different activities for the kids. 


National Museum of the Native American


This links to the online tours offered by the National Museum of the American Indian.


Thanksgiving at the White House


This is the official site of the annual National Turkey Presentation done at the White House every year.  There will also be a contest to help “name the turkeys” once the ceremony has taken place.

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