• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Other Wiki Sites of Interest

Page history last edited by Jennifer McDaniel 16 years, 3 months ago

Debbie Purvines

Instructional Technology Specialist

Region 16 ESC


Lola Henning

Education Specialist, All-Level Science

Region 16 ESC


Allison Silvertooth

Education Sepcialist, All-Level Reading

Region 16 ESC


Moving Forward

Administered by Dr. Scott McLeod, Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE)

This wiki houses a collection of resources to help presenters and change agents as they help move schools and universities forward into the 21st century.



This wiki belongs to Vicki Allen, Education Advocate with AT&T.

You will find great information on technology in Education.


Teach Digital 

Administered by Wesley FryerDirector of Education Advocacy (PK-12) for Oklahoma through AT&T.

This is a great place to find resources for his workshops.



An international all-day "meetup" of educational bloggers and those using collaborative technologies will take place on Saturday, June 28th, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio just before the start of NECC. All are invited--whether you yourself blog, are just an educational blog reader, or even just want to hang out with an interesting group of people. The event is free, and you can indicate that you are coming (and see who else will be there) here at the Edubloggercon wiki. This event is based on the idea of an "unconference", and is being organized by the participants in real time here on the wiki. It's maybe better referred to as a "collaborative conference." Through the generosity of ISTE, we have access all that day to rooms at the Convention Center and there will be free wi-fi: beyond that is up to you. So come and help us plan a fun and stimulating experience. It should be great!


Educators Wiki  

This is a wiki created for those power educators. If you've used wikis in a fun and exciting way, please add your own ideas and information! If you're looking for ideas and different ways to use wikis in your classroom, this is a great place to start!



Page updated by JMcDaniel on 6.18.08

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