

Page history last edited by Jennifer McDaniel 15 years ago



It's done! I have joined the Twitter world! If you're a member, please look me up and add me to your twitter list. I'm JennAFuzz

Twitter Articles/Resources


How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live

By: Steven Johnson

This article is the cover story for Time on 6.4.09 and the article contends that Twitter has turned into something more than anyone truly could imagine (and I happen to agree).



This is a Wiki set up to connect educators with other educators of their same interest. Want to find people to follow to expand your personal learning network? This is a great resource!


Twitter for Educational Purposes

by: maggie

This is a slideshare about the educational uses of Twitter.


Twittering in a Hurricane

by: James Janega

September 1, 2008

Read how one reporter used Twitter to post correct information about Hurrican Gustav


Educators Test the Limits of Microblogging Tool

by: Katie Ash

Education Week's Digital Directions


Twittering, Not Frittering: Professional Development in 140 Characters

by: Suzie Boss


Other Twitter Users of Interest


Steve Hargadon

PB Krissy

(from PB Wiki)

Heather Voran

Will Richardson

Dr. Scott McLeod

EduBloggerCon 2008

The EduBlogger Conference

San Antonio, TX (pre-NECC)

David Warlick

David Jakes

Wesley Fryer

K12 Online Conference


Karen Montgomery

NECC 2008


Debbie Purvines

Region 16 ESC

Instructional Technology Specialist

ISTE Advocacy 


Mashable Alvin Trusty  TEAInfo 
ISTE Connects Elaine Plybon Karen Montgomery


Twitter Notification Applications



This site downloads an application to your computer that, once started, will update you anytime someone you've connected with posts to Twitter.



This is an add-on to Microsoft Outlook that brings Twitter updates to your inbox. If you're an outlook user, I highly recommend!


What is Twitter?

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? For more information or to join the community, visit the Twitter website or watch the video below (also can be found on the Twitter site) from leelefever of CommonCraft. You can even follow leelefever on Twitter. :)


YouTube plugin error



Page created 5.19.08 by JMcDaniel

 Page updated 2.8.10 by JMcDaniel 

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